George Mudry
Right Worshipful Brother George Mudry is a Past Master of Morningstar Lodge #47 in Seymour, CT, and a Past District Deputy.
George served in the...
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Masonic Outreach to Veterans Everywhere is a campaign conceived of by the brothers of The Freemasons Podcast to educate military veterans about the Masonic fraternity.
Masonic brothers who are interested in contributing to the campaign can learn more by visiting our assets area, or by contacting us.
Veterans who are interested in learning more about the Masonic family can find more information by contacting us, or by visiting the following resources (courtesy of the Masonic Service Association):
Right Worshipful Brother George Mudry is a Past Master of Morningstar Lodge #47 in Seymour, CT, and a Past District Deputy.
George served in the...
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Worshipful Brother Joe Zannino is a Past Master of Ashlar-Aspetuck Lodge #142 in Easton, CT.
Joe is a co-host of The Freemasons Podcast.
Worshipful Brother Ken Tarwood is a Past Master of Harmony Lodge #42 in Waterbury, CT.
Ken is a co-host of The Freemasons Podcast.
Brother Peter Daigle is a member of Ancient York Lodge #89 in New Hampshire.
Peter is the artistic talent behind the M.O.V.E. campaign, and longtime...
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